Wednesday’s Headlines: Post-Primary Hangover Edition

With all eyes focused on the primary election, yesterday was a slow news day on the street beat.

So let’s just get right to it:

  • The pedestrian who was critically injured by a hit-and-run cyclist on August 11 has died. The cyclist is still on the loose. (NBC, NYDN, Village Sun)
  • That dirt biker who crashed into a Parks Department truck last month also expired. (NYDN)
  • Kevin Duggan of amNY writes up a Citizens Budget Commission report direly warning of MTA disrepair.
  • Mayor Adams’s Monday night announcement of a commercial-truck parking crackdown in Queens was made for TV. (CBS)
  • Car cameras are proving more reliable in determining the causes of crashes than people. (NYT)
  • David Leonhardt’s morning NYT column on the racial gap in traffic deaths blames COVID for a lot. Maybe too much, given the other systemic factors?
  • Planning chief Dan Garodnik is pleading for less NIMBYism and more new housing. (City Limits)
  • Tuesday’s big winners appear to be Dan Goldman in NY-10 (though Yuh-Line Niou refused to concede, as the gap is around 1,000 votes, with some absentees to be counted) and Jerry Nadler, who soundly defeated Carolyn Maloney in NY-12.