New York Public Transit Data Summit

After the great success of our first event last month, we’ll be having a second meetup to continue the effort to make up-to-date New York public transit data easily and freely available.

This meeting will serve both as an update on the events of the past month and as a working session. There’s lots happening in this space and even more to do. So come out, lend a hand, and enjoy some free pizza and beer.


This Week: Busways, Transit Apps, Bike Culture

Bike Month kicks off with the busiest week of 2010 so far. We’ve got the highlights and big events below, with rides and other fun stuff after the jump. For all the rest, check the Streetsblog calendar. Monday: Manhattan Community Board 6 meets to discuss plans for the 34th Street transitway and Select Bus Service […]

Queens Bus Rapid Transit Meeting

NYC Bus Rapid Transit: Choose a Route Results of the NYC Bus Rapid Transit Study will be detailed at public meetings in each borough beginning the week of June 5th. The two year study looked at the creation of Bus Rapid Transit in New York City to improve the speed, reliability and appeal of the […]

Queens Bus Rapid Transit Meeting

NYC Bus Rapid Transit: Choose a Route Results of the NYC Bus Rapid Transit Study will be detailed at public meetings in each borough beginning the week of June 5th. The two year study looked at the creation of Bus Rapid Transit in New York City to improve the speed, reliability and appeal of the […]
Council Member Brad Lander addresses the crowd at the first of six workshops for DOT's citywide transit plan. Photo: DOT

DOT Kicks Off Citywide Transit Plan

NYC currently has the slowest bus service in the U.S., and ridership has declined 16 percent since 2002. DOT is looking to turn those trends around, speed up buses, improve walking access to transit, and plan service to meet future demand. While the city's buses and subways are run by the MTA, DOT can make a big difference for surface transit through its management of streets, sidewalks, and traffic signals.