Queens Bus Rapid Transit Meeting

NYC Bus Rapid Transit: Choose a Route

Results of the NYC Bus Rapid Transit Study will be detailed at public meetings in each borough beginning the week of June 5th. The two year study looked at the creation of Bus Rapid Transit in New York City to improve the speed, reliability and appeal of the bus system, and has identified 15 possible corridors for the service throughout the city.

Residents are being asked to review these corridors, and provide input on the selection of five demonstration corridors to launch the service and determine its viability.

The study was undertaken by NYC Transit, NYC DOT and NYS DOT, and study results are available online.

6/13/06, 4pm and 6pm
Queens Public Meeting On NYC Bus Rapid Transit Study
Queens Borough Central Public Library
59-11 Merrick Blvd., Auditorium

Attendees should bring photo identification to the meetings.

Contact: Robert Marino at 646.252.2659.