Reminder: CB4 Eighth Avenue Bike Path Meeting Tonight

DSC06179.jpgThe Eighth Ave cycle track is under construction from Bank St. to 14th

Don’t forget tonight’s Manhattan CB4 hearing on the Eighth Avenue cycle track, where DOT will present plans to extend the protected lane next year from 14th to 23rd Street. With opponents expected to weigh in, pro-livable streets turnout is key. Here again are the specifics:

WHAT: Community Board 4 Transportation Planning Committee meeting

WHERE: Fulton Center Auditorium, 119 Ninth Ave. (between 17th and 18th Streets)

WHEN: 6:00 p.m.

If you can’t make it to the meeting, you can e-mail comments to CB4 Assistant District Manager Renee Schoonbeek.

Photo: Clarence Eckerson 


Turnout Needed Tonight for CB4 Eighth Ave Cycle Track Vote

Pedestrian refuges mean cyclists aren’t the only beneficiaries of cycle tracks. Photo: wrkng/Flickr Manhattan Community Board 4 will vote tonight on whether to recommend extending the protected bike lane on Eighth Avenue, now under construction below W. 14th Street, north to W. 23rd. The board’s transportation committee signed off on the lane last month. Still, […]

CB4 Backs Eighth Avenue Cycle Track

From Caroline Samponaro, Director of Bicycle Advocacy for Transportation Alternatives: At last night’s Manhattan Community Board 4 meeting the full board voted overwhelmingly in support of the DOT’s proposed extension of the Eighth Avenue bike lane from 14th to 23rd Streets. Only two board members voted against this plan. Zero community members attended the meeting […]

CB4 Committee Supports Eighth Avenue Cycle Track

Last night, the transportation committee of Manhattan Community Board 4 voted 8-2 in support of extending the protected bike lane on Eighth Avenue, now under construction below W. 14th Street, north to 23rd. Wiley Norvell of Transportation Alternatives sends this account. The meeting turnout was high, with roughly 40 people speaking 2-1 in favor of […]

Separated Bike Path Isn’t Gay Enough for CB4

Manhattan Community Board 4’s transportation committee unanimously approved DOT’s plan to install a physically-separated bike path on Eighth Avenue in Lower Manhattan. The committee enthusiastically recommended the plan to the full board on Wednesday. The board then voted to ignore their own committee and block the plan. Apparently, some members feel that complete streets and […]