It’s Park(ing) Day All Over America


This morning, street reclaimers across the country are settling into their Park(ing) spaces — more than 450 spots in 80 cities, according to the latest count. For our readers outside New York City, check out the Trust for Public Land’s Google map to find a spot near you. TPL also has a great round-up of Park(ing) Day media coverage and the beginnings of a Flickr pool.

New Yorkers: Here’s the link again to the map of Park(ing) locations, and don’t forget to tag your photos "streetsblog" when you upload them to Flickr.

Happy Park(ing)!


Send Us Your Park(ing) Day Pics!

A quick Flickr search for “Park(ing) Day 2011” this afternoon turned up this excellent rug-based parking spot reclamation all the way down under in Adelaide, Australia. So far, nothing from NYC, arguably the birthplace of the Park(ing) Day concept (though the San Francisco partisans will have something to say about that). C’mon, New York, show […]

Park(ing) Day, After the Storm

On a day when street trees all over Brooklyn and Queens have been ripped out of their pits, shorn of their limbs, or cracked in two, “Alternate Side Mulching is in Effect Today!” seems like the right choice to kick off our Park(ing) Day photographic coverage. This installation on Vernon Boulevard between 48th Ave and […]

More Park(ing) Day: San Fran Rolls Out the Parkcycle

  I was pretty sure that New York City had San Francisco beat for this year’s Park(ing) Day, what, with the children’s reading hour and the on-street gymnasium in Brooklyn; Staten Island and Queens getting in on the act; and German tourists frolicking on the sod in front of the MoMA (all captured by StreetFilms, […]

Picture Perfect Park(ing) Day

[smooth=id:21;] New Yorkers were again granted gorgeous Park(ing) Day weather today. Here’s a sampling of reader-submitted photos from local space-reclamation festivities, plus a bonus shot from down in DC. Keep an eye out for late additions to the Park(ing) Day NYC Flickr and Twitter feeds, and if you’re looking for more pics from other locales, […]