Recent Streetsblog NYC posts about Park(ing) Day

Send Us Your Park(ing) Day Pics!

A quick Flickr search for “Park(ing) Day 2011” this afternoon turned up this excellent rug-based parking spot reclamation all the way down under in Adelaide, Australia. So far, nothing from NYC, arguably the birthplace of the Park(ing) Day concept (though the San Francisco partisans will have something to say about that). C’mon, New York, show […]

Park(ing) Day: More From Manhattan

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The folks at HR&A Advisors set up an outdoor office in their Columbus Circle Park(ing) spot, complete with wi-fi and business attire. It may not have had sod, but this spot on Broadway and 74th Street got a lot of attention from curious passersby. Maybe in part because of the great snacks. (Thanks again for […]