Support for Pricing From Nassau Dem Michelle Schimel

016.jpgWhile many of her colleagues are hoping to avoid taking a stand on congestion pricing by urging Speaker Sheldon Silver to kill the plan without a vote, Nassau County Assembly Democrat Michelle Schimel has come out strongly in favor with an editorial in the Great Neck Record:

For more than 300,000 Long Island residents, the daily commute to New York City is often a difficult one — either because their mass transit experience is unpleasant and slow or because they sit in bumper-to-bumper traffic from their home to their office. Unfortunately, it’s only going to get worse. Our region can expect more and more drivers on our streets, and riders in our buses and trains. But, as of now, we don’t and won’t have the funds to make real improvements to handle the overflow.

[Congestion pricing] would reduce traffic by 8 percent in Long Island and across the region while earning $500 million a year that would go directly to mass transit projects such as modernization of the Long Island Rail Road and East Side Access — projects that could cut commuters’ trips by as much as 44 minutes a day, according to the Regional Plan Association. The reduced congestion will also help drivers who aren’t commuting daily to Manhattan, freeing up roadways to save everyone time.

More important than the cost to a small percentage of commuters is the cost of maintaining the status quo and not implementing a congestion pricing plan. Millions more people will clog our roads over the next few decades without viable alternative mass transportation options, making daily commutes far more unbearable.


Profiles in Discouragement: Pols Defend Traffic Status Quo

Council member Lew Fidler delivers his Tax & Tunnel plan to the Commission. Spencer Wilking reports: The city’s traveling road show of community advocates, local politicians and concerned residents, otherwise known as New York City’s Traffic Congestion Mitigation Commission, stopped in Brooklyn Thursday night as part of its whirlwind seven county tour. At the hearing […]

Electeds React to Congestion Pricing

Forty-eight hours in, here is what some elected officials are saying about PlaNYC and congestion pricing. Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver: Well, I think it’s a very complicated issue, but, you know, we’ll need to look at it and discuss it with the mayor and discuss it with the members of the conference. The concept of […]

Shining a Light on Albany’s Bus Camera Vote

A source sends along this roll call of the State Assembly transportation committee’s vote on bus-mounted enforcement cameras. The names come from the official record; whether the record accurately reflects who raised a hand and who didn’t is not certain, for reasons explained below. Note that the vote was on whether to table the bill, […]

Congestion Pricing Endgame Begins

With less than four weeks remaining for the city to meet the $354 million federal deadline, lawmakers are positioning themselves on one side of the other of the congestion pricing debate, as state and city prime movers quietly ready for "negotiations." According to the Sun, Governor Eliot Spitzer’s office is drafting a congestion pricing bill, […]

Silver: Fate of Pricing Decided by Monday

Liz Benjamin at the Daily Politics is reporting that Sheldon Silver will direct Assembly Democrats to take action on congestion pricing by Monday, when the window to receive $354 million in federal funds expires. However, Silver would not guarantee that pricing will reach the floor for a full vote, only that a decision will be […]