Help Wanted: Streetswiki Writing Talent


Description: As a part of Streetsblog’s impending redesign we are launching a new web site called Streetswiki. Streetswiki is a free, web-based, community-created encyclopedia dedicated to sharing knowledge about sustainable transportation policies, practices and ideas from around the world. Like Wikipedia, its articles will be written and edited by anyone with a bit of unique knowledge and access to the Internet. Through Streetswiki, we hope to provide a means for Livable Streets practitioners in cities around the world to share information, ideas and best practices.

The Open Planning Project, the publisher of Streetsblog and Streetfilms, is seeking to hire one or more writers to help get Streetswiki off the ground. Our goal is to have a healthy number of Streetswiki articles written and published when the new site launches this spring. As such, we are looking for individuals with professional writing or editing experience and a background in urban planning, transportation policy or livable streets advocacy to help us seed Streetswiki.

We are looking for someone who can commit a minimum of 20 hours per week and can focus intensively on this project for the next four to six weeks.

A rate of $20 per hour or we can work out payment on a per article, per word or per week basis. Let’s discuss.

Sample Streetswiki article topics:

  • Jan Gehl, Danish urban designer
  • Ciclovia
  • Woonerf
  • Milennium Park Bike Station, Chicago
  • Park(ing) Day
  • Enrique Penalosa
  • A complete list of all known public bike-sharing programs
  • The Velib bike-sharing program in Paris, France
  • Chicanes
  • Le Mobilien
  • Hans Monderman
  • TransMilenio
  • Donald Shoup
  • Cheonggyecheon River Highway removal project, Seoul, South Korea
  • Physically Separated Bike Lanes
  • Christine Berthet of the Clinton / Hell’s Kitchen Pedestrian Safety Coalition
  • CHEKPEDS: The Clinton / Hell’s Kitchen Pedestrian Safety Coalition
  • Mode Shift
  • Curbside Vacancy Rates
  • Transit-Oriented Development
  • Ghost Bikes
  • Las Ramblas, Barcelona, Spain
  • Traffic Justice
  • Vauban, Freiburg, Germany
  • VMT
  • London Mayor Ken Livingstone
  • Janette Sadik-Khan

If the gestalt of this list is immediately clear to you and you have professional writing and editing experience and you can devote at least 20 hours a week to this project for the next four weeks (and you may be interested in editing Streetswiki as a full-time job), send a cover letter, resume and clips to aaron [at] streetsblog [dot] org. Please write, "Streetswiki" in the subject line of your e-mail.


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