Recent Streetsblog NYC posts about TOPP

How Do You Summer Street?

Planning to do something fun this Saturday at Summer Streets? Let us know!  We’d like to help facilitate the planning of ad-hoc events along the route. Did you realize that most of the side streets adjacent to the route are also closed? So there’s plenty of room to, say, organize a game of stickball.  We’ve […]

Carfree Cities Conference Kicks Off in Portland

The World Carfree Network’s Towards Carfree Cities conference is underway in Portland, Oregon this week. Now in its eight year, it’s the first time the event has come to North America. Streetsblog EIC Aaron Naparstek made the trip, along with others from The Open Planning Project Livable Streets crew. TOPP’s Nick Grossman is live-blogging the […]

Envisioning a More Livable Columbus Avenue

As a candidate for a livable streets makeover, Columbus Avenue is a no-brainer. A block from Central Park, it is home to the American Museum of Natural History and sports a string of active ground floor businesses, but the street itself is a classically car-oriented corridor: three moving lanes sandwiched between two parking lanes. The […]

Help Wanted: Streetswiki Writing Talent

Description: As a part of Streetsblog’s impending redesign we are launching a new web site called Streetswiki. Streetswiki is a free, web-based, community-created encyclopedia dedicated to sharing knowledge about sustainable transportation policies, practices and ideas from around the world. Like Wikipedia, its articles will be written and edited by anyone with a bit of unique […]

Welcome to NYCstreets

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You may have noticed the new tab at the top of Streetsblog and StreetFilms with a link to NYCstreets. If you haven’t checked it out yet, it’s worth a look. NYCstreets is a place where people interested in improving New York City’s streets and public spaces can find online tools, resources and, most importantly — […]