Greetings From Wasilla

Before VP candidate Sarah Palin crystallized her views on the future of US energy policy in her "drill or do nothing" speech to the Republican National Convention, we only had a vague idea of her record on transportation and development, gleaned mostly from her time as mayor of the tiny town of Wasilla.

As news of Palin’s past continues to surface, here’s Slate with a Wasilla video postcard. Says reporter and narrator Alex Sheshunoff:

You read that Palin was the mayor of a small town, and you think of central squares and tree-lined sidewalks and neighbors who give pies to one another. Wasilla isn’t that kind of place.

Video link. Thanks to Doc Barnett for the tip.


Sarah Palin, Transit Advocate?

John McCain may not be big on public transportation, but as mayor of a small town in Alaska, his running mate Sarah Palin secured millions in federal earmarks for rail and bus projects. The Washington Post reports that during Palin’s two terms as mayor of Wasilla, when it had a population of 6,700, the town […]

Palin to RNC: It’s Drill or “Do Nothing at All”

If there was any question as to where a John McCain-Sarah Palin White House would stand on transportation, the prospective VP’s speech to the Republican National Convention left little room for doubt. Here’s Palin from last night, via Grist: "Our opponents say, again and again, that drilling will not solve all of America’s energy problems […]

The McCain-Palin Ticket: America’s Last Anti-Urban Campaign?

Writing for Citiwire, Brookings fellow Robert Lang asks whether the 2008 presidential contest might be the last one to openly pit rural and exurban voters against cities, which are increasingly aligned politically with inner suburbs. Lang says it depends on whether Republicans will again feel confident running the type of campaign that mocks community organizers […]

Culture War on Wheels

Having dispensed with the question of whether an African-American or woman will ever make it to the White House, conservative Culture Warriors have moved on to defining and dividing Americans over their chosen mode of transportation. These two images have been floating around the right wing blogosphere under the shrieky, all-caps headline, "THIS IS ALL […]

The 2008 Streetsie Awards, Part 5

Best Spontaneous Livable Streets Moment: Joyous New Yorkers take to the streets to celebrate Barack Obama’s victory. Movement of the Year: This year we saw cities across the U.S competing to run the first, biggest and best Bogota-style Ciclovia events. San Francisco debuted Sunday Streets (after local activists sat Mayor Gavin Newsom down in front […]