Palin to RNC: It’s Drill or “Do Nothing at All”

If there was any question as to where a John McCain-Sarah Palin White House would stand on transportation, the prospective VP’s speech to the Republican National Convention left little room for doubt. Here’s Palin from last night, via valley_511.jpgGrist:

"Our opponents say, again and again, that drilling will not solve all
of America’s energy problems — as if we all didn’t know that already.
But the fact that drilling won’t solve every problem is no excuse to do
nothing at all. Starting in January, in a McCain-Palin administration, we’re going to
lay more pipelines and build more nuclear plants and create jobs with
clean coal and move forward on solar, wind, geothermal, and other
alternative sources."

Grist notes that Palin, um, fudged a little in her refutation of Alaska’s "Bridge to Nowhere." Despite her claim that as governor she turned down federal funds for the bridge, Palin once supported the much-maligned project, and Alaska is using the earmarks intended for it to build a road to the proposed bridge site.

Though Palin scored millions in hated "pork" for bus and rail projects, her tenure as mayor of Wasilla apparently did not bring about much in the way of livable streets improvements.

Writes Charles Wohlforth in The New Republic:

I had written a Frommer’s travel guidebook about Alaska (I live in Anchorage
and was on the Municipal Assembly here at the time). In the book, I frankly
described Wasilla as a place to skip, "the worst kind of suburban sprawl of
highway-fronting shopping malls and gravel lots."

Wasilla boosters were furious and a local media debate erupted.
A good many people came in on my side: Wasilla, with a complete lack of community
planning, is truly Alaska’s
least attractive town.

Streetsblogger Doc Barnett concurs:

Frommer’s description of Wasilla is accurate. Its residents (including
some of my family) live there to get away from all the big-city
problems of multicultural Anchorage. No, seriously. And then they try
to figure out how to shorten driving times around the gigantic natural
feature (Cook Inlet) they have decided to put between themselves and
their jobs (if any).

In a collection of local news headlines tracking Palin’s career, Politico lists a story citing her support for a Wasilla bill to outlaw non-motorized vehicles — "skateboards, in-line skates, bicycles, scooters" — on public or private property where signage prohibited their use, under penalty of fines and/or confiscation.

Photo from Wasilla, AK via Mudflats


Sarah Palin, Transit Advocate?

John McCain may not be big on public transportation, but as mayor of a small town in Alaska, his running mate Sarah Palin secured millions in federal earmarks for rail and bus projects. The Washington Post reports that during Palin’s two terms as mayor of Wasilla, when it had a population of 6,700, the town […]

Greetings From Wasilla

Before VP candidate Sarah Palin crystallized her views on the future of US energy policy in her "drill or do nothing" speech to the Republican National Convention, we only had a vague idea of her record on transportation and development, gleaned mostly from her time as mayor of the tiny town of Wasilla. As news […]

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