Bloomberg Says What You’re Thinking

Perhaps getting tired of seeing his PlaNYC centerpiece attacked by lawmakers from outside the city, Mayor Bloomberg had some frank remarks for congestion pricing critic Assemblyman Richard Brodsky on the radio today.

The Daily Politics reports:

On his weekly radio show this morning, Mayor Bloomberg took a swipe at Assemblyman Richard Brodsky, the Westchester Democrat who has emerged as one of the more outspoken critics of the mayor’s congestion pricing plan.

Asked by WABC’s John Gambling about Brodsky’s claim that the Bloomberg plan is based on outdated traffic information, the mayor replied:

"Richard Brodsky lives in the suburbs, represents the suburbs, and has lots to say about the city,"
Bloomberg said. "The truth of the matter is, you can always say, ‘Oh, I don’t believe your estimate.’ You can’t run a railroad that way."


112,000 Less Cars

Here are more points from Friday’s PlaNYC Hearing:  Deputy Mayor Dan Doctoroff estimated congestion pricing would remove 112,000 cars from city streets on a daily basis, with 94,000 would-be drivers switching to transit, in what he said would be "Probably the single greatest mode shift anywhere." DOT Deputy Commissioner Bruce Schaller said that whatever edge […]

PlaNYC Testimony Live on NY1 Right Now

Mayor Bloomberg is presenting his plan for a greater greener New York at the first in a series of Assembly hearings today, where he is pitching his congestion pricing plan, among other aspects of his proposal for a sustainable city. DOT Deputy Commissioner Bruce Schaller got a nice introduction at the start. Watch it live […]

From a Sea of Green, Bloomberg Works a Tough Room

Flanked by dozens, if not hundreds, of citizen spectators in bright green "I Breathe and I Vote" t-shirts, Mayor Michael Bloomberg and city staffers this morning made the case for a three-year congestion pricing pilot program to a largely hostile cadre of state Assembly members. Seated alongside ten colleagues in the auditorium of the New […]

Today: Dueling Congestion Pricing Press Events

State Assembly Member Richard Brodsky (D-Westchester) is releasing his report on Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s congestion pricing proposal on the steps of City Hall today at 2:00 pm. Billed as "the first thorough, independent, and fair-minded" analysis (Apparently, the Partnership for New York’s two-year study wasn’t thorough and Bruce Schaller’s massive body of research wasn’t independent […]

Pricing Bill Appears in Albany; Bloomberg and Paterson Meet

From The Daily Politics: While members of the City Council haven’t seen it, a congestion pricing bill drafted by the Bloomberg administration has popped up in Albany over the last 24 hours, although it does not yet have a sponsor and hasn’t been introduced. Here is a PDF of the 41-page bill (caution: it’s a […]