Bloomberg Says What You’re Thinking

Perhaps getting tired of seeing his PlaNYC centerpiece attacked by lawmakers from outside the city, Mayor Bloomberg had some frank remarks for congestion pricing critic Assemblyman Richard Brodsky on the radio today.

The Daily Politics reports:

On his weekly radio show this morning, Mayor Bloomberg took a swipe at Assemblyman Richard Brodsky, the Westchester Democrat who has emerged as one of the more outspoken critics of the mayor’s congestion pricing plan.

Asked by WABC’s John Gambling about Brodsky’s claim that the Bloomberg plan is based on outdated traffic information, the mayor replied:

"Richard Brodsky lives in the suburbs, represents the suburbs, and has lots to say about the city,"
Bloomberg said. "The truth of the matter is, you can always say, ‘Oh, I don’t believe your estimate.’ You can’t run a railroad that way."