Pricing Bill Appears in Albany; Bloomberg and Paterson Meet

From The Daily Politics:

While members of the City Council haven’t seen it, a congestion pricing bill drafted by the Bloomberg administration has popped up in Albany over the last 24 hours, although it does not yet have a sponsor and hasn’t been introduced.

Here is a PDF of the 41-page bill (caution: it’s a large file). Liz Benjamin at TDP got a copy from Assemblyman Richard Brodsky, along with requisite commentary (he calls it "regressive" and "unfair").

As of 2:30 this afternoon, Benjamin said, the City Council had not seen the bill.

Also, the mayor and the governor had a meeting this afternoon, reports the Politicker, where they were "presumably talking about things like congestion pricing and the state budget."


Paterson Backs Pricing, Introduces Bill in Albany

David Paterson is going to do right by his old State Senate district after all. New York’s new governor settled any doubts about his position on congestion pricing this afternoon, introducing a bill that follows the recommendations of the Traffic Congestion Mitigation Commission. The Daily Politics has the scoop: "Congestion pricing addresses two urgent concerns […]

Congestion Pricing Bill, Take 3.

Liz Benjamin has the latest scoop on congestion pricing legislation in Albany: The third version of a bill dealing with congestion mitigation in the city was introduced yesterday in both houses of the state Legislature. The Assembly and Senate are scheduled to return to Albany Thursday to take up this new bill – and nothing […]

Pricing Round Up: Persuasive Arguments, Rigged Polls, New Buses

With a congestion pricing bill now on the table and the days to get it passed quickly winding down, here is a snapshot of where a handful of electeds, including heavy-hitters like David Paterson and Sheldon Silver, stand. First, the Times quotes Governor Paterson, following his sit-down with Mayor Bloomberg yesterday afternoon: "The mayor, I […]

More Mixed Signals on Pricing’s Chances Under Paterson

  "Today is Monday. There is work to be done." So said David Paterson, who was sworn in as New York’s 55th governor just after 1:00 this afternoon. Two Mondays from now, the City Council and state Legislature will need to have adopted a congestion pricing plan if the city is to receive $354 million […]

Paterson: “We’re Taking a Look” at Pricing

David Paterson held his first press conference as governor-in-waiting this afternoon, holding forth to a Red Room described by Elizabeth Benjamin of the Daily News as "more crowded than I have ever seen it in the almost 10 years I’ve been covering Albany." Self-deprecating and genuinely funny, Paterson fielded questions on the budget, campaign finance […]