Eyes on the Street: Brand New Pop-Up Café on Sullivan Street

Photos: Ian Dutton

Reader Ian Dutton sends these shots of the pop-up café that just went up at “local” — a coffee shop on Sullivan Street in SoHo. Ian says owners Craig and Liz Walker worked hard to make this public space enhancement happen. Among other things, they had to bring a crew of supporters with them to Community Board 2 when their application to DOT’s pop-up café program came up for a vote. Their bid was the only one of six applications to withstand the onslaught from local reactionary Sean Sweeney.

Ian reports that the seats filled up just about instantaneously after the installation was finished this afternoon:

In related news, a new pop-up café also went up at Ecopolis in Cobble Hill today.


Petrosino Square to Expand Into Lafayette Street

Alan Gerson extolls the value of using underutilized traffic lanes for park space, with Friends of Petrosino Square founder Georgette Fleischer, Parks Borough Commissioner Bill Castro and CB 2 Chair Brad Hoylman  Manhattan Community Board 2 member Ian Dutton reports that this morning city officials held a groundbreaking for the renovation of Petrosino Square. As […]

Houston Street Gets Tree-mendous New Sidewalks

  We’re just catching up to this piece of good news in The Villager last week: With the Houston St. renovation project on the West Side finally nearing completion, we were pleasantly surprised to discover that the sidewalks between Sixth Ave. and W. Broadway on the street’s south side have doubled in width. And, in […]

DOT Asks Public for Ideas on Shoupian Parking Program

More livable streets news out of Manhattan’s Community Board 2. This Thursday, at the request of DOT, CB2 will hold a public strategy session to consider how variable-rate parking might work in the district. If participants determine that such a program would benefit the neighborhood, said CB2’s Ian Dutton, DOT has pledged to implement a […]

Could “Open Sundays” Help Solve Prince Problems?

| View | Upload your own Here is the slide show outlining the DOT proposal to open Prince Street to pedestrians on summer Sundays. As we reported yesterday, the plan isn’t popular with some SoHo residents, who say it will turn Prince into another Mulberry Street. But Community Board 2’s Ian Dutton, a supporter of […]

Manhattan CB2 Unanimously Approves Eighth Avenue Cycle Track

The cycle track will replace the current buffered bike lane on Eighth Avenue. In a pair of votes last week, DOT’s plan for a protected bike path on Eighth Avenue got the thumbs up from Community Board 2. On Tuesday, the transportation committee approved a resolution expressing support for the cycle track, and on Thursday, […]

Rally for Houston Street Buffered Bike Lanes

If you’ve seen those eerie white "ghost bikes" on Houston Street, you may know that three cyclists have been killed on "the Boulevard of Death" during the past two years: Derek Lake, Brandie Bailey and Andrew Morgan. In the wake of this loss of life, members of Community Board 2’s Traffic & Transportation Committee are holding a rally on Wednesday […]