Eyes on the Street: Portland Bike Boxes


Not only are Portland, Oregon’s new bike boxes to be accompanied by a motorist safety campaign, they’re also making them hard for drivers to miss at street level. Note the "Get Behind It" sign to the right.

Compare the Portland version to a New York bike box:


Could this call for a green paint line item in the livable streets fund

Photos: BikePortland.org/Flickr
[Portland], Ian Dutton [New York]


Drivers Ed. Campaign to Accompany Portland Bike Boxes

In an attempt to improve safety at intersections in Portland, Oregon, the Department of Transportation will install the city’s first bike boxes at 14 locations this spring. The city will also launch a marketing campaign, "Get Behind It. The Bike Box: Portland’s New Green Space," intended to educate motorists. As Bikeportland.org reports, large signs will […]

Study Confirms: Safer Bike Routes Get More People Riding

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Streetfilms: Return of Bike Box!

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On Eve of National Bike Summit, A Renewed Push for Separated Bike Lanes

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