Manhattan CB2 Unanimously Approves Eighth Avenue Cycle Track

The cycle track will replace the current buffered bike lane on Eighth Avenue.

In a pair of votes last week, DOT’s plan for a protected bike path on Eighth Avenue got the thumbs up from Community Board 2. On Tuesday, the transportation committee approved a resolution expressing support for the cycle track, and on Thursday, the full board did the same. Both votes were unanimous.

The path will run from Bank Street to 23rd Street and is also set to be reviewed by Community Board 4.

Ian Dutton, vice-chair of the CB2 transportation committee, gives credit to DOT’s public outreach effort. "They printed up brochures for [the plan], and went door to door," he said. "Instead of there being more uproar, at our meeting absolutely no one was there to express concerns." The twelve attendees who spoke about the cycle track all supported it, he added.

In the resolution, CB2 requested bell bollards for pedestrian refuges and leading pedestrian intervals at some intersections. DOT has shown more openness to such suggestions than in years past, said Dutton. "It’s remarkable how much they’re seeking our input instead of just
dictating terms. They’re asking the neighborhood what they think."

According to Dutton, DOT plans to complete the cycle track by November.



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