Rage-Free Rush Hour in Utrecht

From Infrastructurist by way of Buzzfeed comes this video of bike commuters in Utrecht. With a population of around 300,000, Utrecht is the fourth largest city in the Netherlands, and has a 33 percent bike mode share. According to the write-up accompanying the YouTube post, this intersection handles "no less than" 18,000 bicycles and 2,500 buses per day.

Entrancing as it is, we did manage to wonder what this scene would look like if all these people were driving. Probably something like this:

Atlantic and Flatbush time lapse from tracy collins on Vimeo.


Really a Dutch Problem

From Reuters: Dutch cyclists union ENFB has launched the first door-to-door route finder for bicycles, which is the result of a large volunteer project inspired by the collaborative Internet project Wikipedia. One in every three trips in the Netherlands is done on a push bike and the country has thousands of bicycle lanes that are […]

Fun Routes to Transit

“Why I Ride” is on hiatus this week. Instead we bring you the latest transit innovation from the Dutch city of Utrecht — the “transfer accelerator.” Translation courtesy of The Pop-Up City: The designers explain that their slide is meant to be a nice gesture to the travellers. They brilliantly foresaw that such a playful […]