For Pedestrians, Atlantic and Flatbush Could Go From Bad to Worse

Atlantic and Flatbush time lapse from tracy collins on Vimeo.

This time-lapse film by Tracy Collins at Not Another F*cking Blog is a telling indictment of poor pedestrian conditions at Atlantic and Flatbush Avenues. And depending on how Bruce Ratner’s new sports arena is built out — the groundbreaking is set for this week — things could get much worse.

As exemplified by the crosswalk hogs in the video, this is a terrible environment for pedestrians right now. If and when the arena arrives, two things will happen: thousands of pedestrians will arrive via transit to get to games — the more the better, but they’ll need more space; and more people will be driving here, especially if there’s a huge surface parking lot.

Note that Forest City Ratner has not answered questions about all the "interim" surface parking it intends to construct. Scroll down this post for a thorough list of related unresolved issues from the Dean Street Block Association, care of Norman Oder.


Team Ratner Unveils Brooklyn’s Most Exhaust-Filled Public Space

Yesterday Forest City Ratner released images of the temporary public plaza slated for the triangle between Flatbush and Atlantic, and you’ve gotta appreciate the spin coming from the developer and his design team. Wedged between two epic traffic sewers, without much noticeable provision for shade or shelter, it will become, in the words of Bruce […]

Rage-Free Rush Hour in Utrecht

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DOT Reveals a Flatbush Ave Pedestrian Safety Plan By Atlantic and Fourth

Last night DOT presented its initial concept for pedestrian safety improvements near the convergence of Flatbush, Atlantic, and Fourth avenues in Brooklyn [PDF]. The intersection is located at the center of Brooklyn’s largest transit hub, where the Long Island Railroad meets eight subway lines and four MTA bus routes. The Brooklyn Academy of Music and the Barclays […]

Flatbush and Atlantic: Hellacious, Deadly, Likely to Get Worse

Yesterday Develop Don’t Destroy Brooklyn posted this photo of Flatbush and Atlantic Avenues, as seen at 8:45 a.m. "With Atlantic Yards’s 17,000 new residents, and an 18,000 seat arena in use approximately 220 days per year, this gridlock would be the good ol’ days," DDDB said. Without major changes it won’t get better for pedestrians […]

DOT Makes Room for Pedestrians on Flatbush Avenue

Ahead of a 2014 capital project that will shorten crossing distances for pedestrians on the stretch of Flatbush Avenue between Grand Army Plaza and Atlantic Avenue, DOT this week is installing temporary sidewalk extensions on side streets at five intersections. Crews will be painting extensions on Bergen Street, St. Marks Avenue, Prospect Place, Sterling Place and […]