For Pedestrians, Atlantic and Flatbush Could Go From Bad to Worse
Atlantic and Flatbush time lapse from tracy collins on Vimeo.
This time-lapse film by Tracy Collins at Not Another F*cking Blog is a telling indictment of poor pedestrian conditions at Atlantic and Flatbush Avenues. And depending on how Bruce Ratner’s new sports arena is built out — the groundbreaking is set for this week — things could get much worse.
As exemplified by the crosswalk hogs in the video, this is a terrible environment for pedestrians right now. If and when the arena arrives, two things will happen: thousands of pedestrians will arrive via transit to get to games — the more the better, but they’ll need more space; and more people will be driving here, especially if there’s a huge surface parking lot.
Note that Forest City Ratner has not answered questions about all the "interim" surface parking it intends to construct. Scroll down this post for a thorough list of related unresolved issues from the Dean Street Block Association, care of Norman Oder.