Rally at Congestion Pricing Hearing – Wear Green!

We have a once in a lifetime chance to win green streets, cleaner air and funding for much needed mass transit improvements and expansions in New York City, and we need your help.

Come to a rally this Friday, June 8th and show our State Legislators that the vast majority of New Yorkers support congestion pricing as the best way to improve our air quality and fund better transit.

On Friday the New York State Assembly will have a public hearing, here in New York City, on the transportation portion of the Mayor’s PlaNYC: A Greater, Greener New York. The state legislature has to vote to approve significant portions of the transportation portion of the plan. If this hearing goes well and our elected officials see the broad public support for the Mayor’s plan, then we are well on our way to cleaner air, better transit and safer streets; goals T.A. and our members have fought for all along.

While the Mayor’s plan for congestion pricing may seem like a commonsense solution to Transportation Alternatives members, many Assemblymembers are still skeptical. And a small but vocal opposition threatens to dominate the crowd in the hearing room on Friday. Don’t let them!

If there’s one action you take this year to support greener streets, this is it. Twenty minutes can change the future of New York City streets.

We need as many people as possible at the rally and at the hearing on Friday. Wear green to indicate your support for a greener Big Apple. Please RSVP if you can attend. Together we can show our strength and give our legislators the courage they need to make the right decision.


Rally for Mayor’s Groundbreaking Green Transportation Plan

Stand with Transportation Alternatives and a coalition of environmental, labor, business and community groups who all support the Mayor’s proposal for congestion pricing, less driving and more biking, walking and transit. Transportation Alternatives needs hundreds of people in attendance to show the strength and rightness of our cause! On Sunday, the Mayor made an historic announcement. After […]

Letter of the Week: Congestion Pricing Diplomacy

The Bloomberg Administration is aiming to push its PlaNYC congestion pricing proposal through this session of the state legislature. That means the entire debate will take place within the next 36 days or so. One thing that you can do as an individual citizens to support the Mayor’s plan is to write a letter to […]

Congestion Pricing Rally: Countdown to July 16

Countdown to the July 16th Deadline for Clean Air, Better Transit and Congestion Pricing Support congestion pricing! Fund transit improvements! Improve air quality! Fill the $31 billion gap in the transportation funding plan! Reduce traffic! Improve street safety! Visuals: Screens in Times Square will show giant green apples, T.A. needs YOU to wear your green […]

Let’s Hear About Mayor Bloomberg’s Transit Improvement Plan

Kevin Sheekey: Bring this man home to talk about the transit improvements congestion pricing will fund. Sixty Percent of New Yorkers support Mayor Bloomberg’s plan to impose a congestion pricing fee on traffic entering Manhattan’s Central Business District and spending the resulting money on transit improvements. According to the pollsters at Quinnipiac, that support hasn’t […]

Low Turnout But Surprising Support at Bronx Congestion Hearing

Erik Shilling reports: Though many agreed that Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s plan to charge cars and trucks to enter parts of Manhattan could be tweaked, a majority of those who spoke in last night’s Traffic Congestion Mitigation hearing in the Bronx expressed their support. The theater at Hostos Community College was quite a bit less than […]