Rally at Congestion Pricing Hearing – Wear Green!

We have a once in a lifetime chance to win green streets, cleaner air and funding for much needed mass transit improvements and expansions in New York City, and we need your help.

Come to a rally this Friday, June 8th and show our State Legislators that the vast majority of New Yorkers support congestion pricing as the best way to improve our air quality and fund better transit.

On Friday the New York State Assembly will have a public hearing, here in New York City, on the transportation portion of the Mayor’s PlaNYC: A Greater, Greener New York. The state legislature has to vote to approve significant portions of the transportation portion of the plan. If this hearing goes well and our elected officials see the broad public support for the Mayor’s plan, then we are well on our way to cleaner air, better transit and safer streets; goals T.A. and our members have fought for all along.

While the Mayor’s plan for congestion pricing may seem like a commonsense solution to Transportation Alternatives members, many Assemblymembers are still skeptical. And a small but vocal opposition threatens to dominate the crowd in the hearing room on Friday. Don’t let them!

If there’s one action you take this year to support greener streets, this is it. Twenty minutes can change the future of New York City streets.

We need as many people as possible at the rally and at the hearing on Friday. Wear green to indicate your support for a greener Big Apple. Please RSVP if you can attend. Together we can show our strength and give our legislators the courage they need to make the right decision.