Rally for Mayor’s Groundbreaking Green Transportation Plan

Stand with Transportation Alternatives and a coalition of environmental, labor, business and community groups who all support the Mayor’s proposal for congestion pricing, less driving and more biking, walking and transit.

Transportation Alternatives needs hundreds of people in attendance to show the strength and rightness of our cause!

On Sunday, the Mayor made an historic announcement. After years of flirtation, he finally came out with a plan to green our streets. Transit improvements (including dedicated bus HOV lanes on the East River Bridges and more express bus service in neighborhoods that need it), congestion pricing and the creating new pedestrian plazas in every neighborhood around the city were among the initiatives the mayor announced that will reduce private car use in New York City and set the stage to rebalance our streets in favor of the majority of New Yorkers who are transit takers, pedestrians and cyclists.

The Mayor’s speech was a promising start, but the future is far from clear. There is a small but incredibly vocal minority that is opposed to congestion pricing despite its benefits to our health and environment.

We need to make sure that City Hall knows that the majority of New Yorkers supports this bold plan. In reducing car use and giving more space and priority to bus riders, pedestrians and bicycles, the Mayor’s plan will help New York City meet the dual challenges of growth and global warming. Reducing car use and promoting cleaner, greener forms of transportation will also improve local air quality and reduce rates of asthma and cancers proven to be caused by pollution from cars. This plan serves the majority of New Yorkers and will help create a fairer transportation system.

Today we have an enormous opportunity. Tomorrow the opposition will try to take it away.


Details of the US DOT’s $354.5 Million Grant to NYC

The Agreement: The U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) has awarded $354.5 million through its Urban Partnership Agreement (UPA) to New York to implement the Mayor’s congestion pricing program (or an alternative plan approved by USDOT as described below). The funds have been awarded jointly to the New York City Department of Transportation (NYCDOT), the New […]

Rally at Congestion Pricing Hearing – Wear Green!

We have a once in a lifetime chance to win green streets, cleaner air and funding for much needed mass transit improvements and expansions in New York City, and we need your help. Come to a rally this Friday, June 8th and show our State Legislators that the vast majority of New Yorkers support congestion […]

Let’s Hear About Mayor Bloomberg’s Transit Improvement Plan

Kevin Sheekey: Bring this man home to talk about the transit improvements congestion pricing will fund. Sixty Percent of New Yorkers support Mayor Bloomberg’s plan to impose a congestion pricing fee on traffic entering Manhattan’s Central Business District and spending the resulting money on transit improvements. According to the pollsters at Quinnipiac, that support hasn’t […]

Anti-Congestion Pricing Group Suggests Alternatives

While waiting for Walter McCaffrey to send over an official version (he sent it — download it here), we managed to get a hold of a bootleg copy of the executive summary of the Committee to Keep NYC Congestion Tax Free’s new report. Willie Neuman has a write-up of the report in the Times today […]

Fact Remains: No Congestion Pricing = No Federal Funds

Last week, the parking garage industry-funded group Keep NYC Congestion Tax Free issued its latest salvo against congestion pricing. The report begins: Keep NYC Congestion Tax Free proposes a cost-effective, efficient, fair and practical alternative plan that will address the problems posed by congestion in New York City and exceed the guidelines imposed by the […]