Thursday’s Headlines: We Are Nothing if Not Eudaimonic Edition

Look, we’re nothing if not eudaemonistic here at Streetsblog, you know, striving to be moral to produce happiness.

That thought (and five-dollar word) came up when we learned that our sister organization, Open Plans, is hosting its first annual “Public Space Awards” on March 2 in Soho.

It’s a bit like the Oscars or the Grammys, except that the honorees aren’t pampered actors or auto-tune singers but the hardworking people and groups behind the public spaces that make New York City the vibrant, people-centered place that it is! (So, like we said, it’s just like the Oscars and the Grammys).

It’s going to be a fun night of celebrating great public space management, open streets, open restaurants and initiatives that make our city better. Get your tickets here.

And to show that Open Plans means it, the policy shop got some great ink yesterday for its push for safe streets for schools (amNY). So there’s another reason to support this booming advocacy group.

Want one more? Streetsblog’s campaign to make roadways safer showed some real success yesterday when Gov. Hochul announced a new effort to crack down on drivers who cover their plates to avoid speed cameras.

So join us all on March 2.

In other news:

  • The big story yesterday was Gov. Hochul’s sort-of, quasi bailout of the MTA. The Post, being the Post, was skeptical. But Streetsblog was not completely sold either (nor was Mayor Adams, Gothamist reported). But at amNY, there were some positives.
  • The Post had WAY more details about the victim of the hit-and-run on Fifth Avenue that we wrote about yesterday. The plot thickens.
  • Gothamist wrote up the press release about the federal money that DOT will use to redesign Delancey Street (which it sort of did already).
  • Hell Gate is high on the mayor’s composting promises.
  • Hey, Chicago, we have a bean, too! (Architect’s Newspaper)
  • Everyone wants to open a casino. Everyone. (NYDN)
  • Sorry, but this is the best tabloid headline since “Headless Body in Topless Bar.” (NYDN)
  • If it’s measurable, it’s pleasurable. Yes, there was snow yesterday. Honest. (NY Post)
  • Finally, our old man editor ran into an old friend yesterday: