Thursday’s Headlines: It’s So Slow We’re Counting Tourists Edition

Well not quite, but you get the idea.
Well not quite, but you get the idea.

The tourists are back, declared The City, citing the usual metrics like hotel occupancy.

We also heard from a member of Deputy Mayor Maria Torres-Springer’s team, so you know it must be true:

Maybe everyone will stay in Times Square so the rest of us can enjoy the rich-person-free summer in the Big Apple — like maybe by taking a ferry to the Rockaways. Speaking of which, that story leads the news from a slow day:

  • Comptroller Brad Lander, fresh from his devastating audit of the Department of Transportation’s Brooklyn Bridge project, said that the Economic Development Corporation is hiding its actual costs for the NYC Ferry system, which should move to a pricing system that protects commuters, but soaks casual riders. You know it’s a big story when tout le monde covers it: Streetsblog, NYDN, NY Post, NY Times, amNY, Gothamist, The City,
  • One day after we praised a Department of Sanitation Tik Tok video pointing out the selfishness of drivers, the Post did the opposite.
  • The city’s new deal with lifeguards should solve a problem that Hell Gate keeps pointing out. (amNY, Gothamist, NY Post)
  • Look out for milling on the Kent Avenue bike lane:

  • Can’t we monitor air quality without a fleet of cars? (NY Post)
  • And, finally, Connecticut Gov. Chris Murphy is walking across the Nutmeg State. This is what he does:

And that’s all, folks. Ride today if you can, though it may sprinkle briefly a bit later.


San Francisco Debuts Car-Free “Sunday Streets”

San Francisco held its inaugural car-free "Sunday Streets" event last weekend. New Yorker Jen Petersen was there and files this report. Whatever the weather, San Francisco’s Fisherman’s Wharf doesn’t suffer from a shortage of dollar-shelling, strolling tourists on weekends, and so clearing street space for more people-powered mobility on a sunny morning had instant takers.  […]

What Would It Take to Run a Successful East River Ferry Program?

A few more details about the city’s new subsidized East River ferry service were revealed at a Metropolitan Waterfront Alliance panel yesterday afternoon, including the route’s stops and hours. Mostly, however, the panel offered advice on what it will take to make ferries successful and provided some valuable context for the public discussion about waterborne […]