Wednesday’s Headlines: Crushing Defeat Edition

The mayor has a crush on illegal dirt bikes. Photo: Julianne Cuba
The mayor has a crush on illegal dirt bikes. Photo: Julianne Cuba

The Post, Gothamist and amNY fell for the mayor’s dirt-bike-crushing photo op on Tuesday. We sent Julianne Cuba, but she was there to ask the mayor questions about things that matter. (And, admittedly, to take pictures of the carnage.)

Now, look, of course, we agree that recklessly operated illegal mopeds and four-wheelers are annoying and dangerous, but statistics consistently show that recklessly operated cars are a much greater hazard to city residents. Yet hundreds of drivers have been slapped with dozens of camera-issued speeding tickets this year — yet they keep driving as long as they keep paying the $50 tickets.

And that’s why Cuba was on hand at the mayor’s crush party — to ask Hizzoner about what he’s doing about reckless drivers, one day after a reckless cab driver struck a cyclist and then mowed down multiple people on a Broadway sidewalk. And, yes, she filmed this video:

Like us, multiple outlets followed up on Monday’s crash, though most outlets’ coverage were deeply unsatisfying. We focused on how the mayor refused to turn tragedy into an opportunity and fully pedestrianize Broadway (though he told Cuba he’ll consider it). The Daily News focused on earlier comments from DOT Commissioner Ydanis Rodriguez about how drivers should slow down, yet did not update its story with the mayor’s comments (neither did amNY, though Kevin Duggan’s second-day story was much deeper than other papers’).

The Post (for some reason) highlighted what we knew two days ago (that the cab in the crash had multiple camera-issued tickets for reckless driving).

In other news:

  • The new Bronx bus network is here! The new Bronx bus network is here! (NYDN)
  • Flying Magazine was dubious about Council Member Lincoln Restler’s bill to make it harder to fly noisy helicopters over New York City. But you know Flying Magazine. How predictable.
  • Do the math: Elect a pro-landlord mayor, get 5-percent rent hikes for two-year leases on stabilized units (though inflation certainly played a role in the generous increases). Ross Barkan provided definitive coverage. (The City, NYDN, and the NY Post had it, too.)
  • Mayor Adams moved ahead with his solo subway patrols (NY Post), but then quickly reconsidered (NYDN).
  • Check out the East Side “hive-rant.” (NY Post)
  • The MTA finally put a price tag on the second entrance for the dangerous F train station at York Street — and it’s too much to bear. (amNY)
  • At least one CEO gets it when it comes to the foolishness of a gas tax holiday. (NY Post)
  • Mayor Adams said the thinking part out loud in his comments about unhealthy school lunches. (NYDN, NY Post)