Monday’s Headlines: Holiday Parties are Such a Hassle Anyway Edition

That's Mayor de Blasio at the last media party at Gracie Mansion in 2019. That's our editor's whiskey in the foreground.
That's Mayor de Blasio at the last media party at Gracie Mansion in 2019. That's our editor's whiskey in the foreground.
It's our December donation drive. Help us stay on these important stories. Click here or the icon above.
It’s our December donation drive. Help us stay on these important stories. Click here or the icon above.

As much as we love to get drunk in the People’s House, we were pleased that Mayor de Blasio canceled his annual holiday reception for the media at Gracie Mansion out of concern for public health. The event is one of the great off-the-record soirees of the year, but it also had the potential to be a singular Omicron super-spreader event.

Of course, there are other problems with drunken holiday parties, as one Bronx precinct showed — and it was splashed all over the Post and the News. And just getting to holiday parties can also get you into hot water … if you foolishly happen to take the company helicopter, as did NYPD Deputy Commissioner Robert Ganley, the Post reported.

So we’re fine with the cancelation of tonight’s bash, and we’ll just resort to what we always do: drink alone and drunk dial City Hall staffers for news leads.

For now, however, here’s the news from the weekend:

  • Here’s one of the great DOT screwups ever — unless you think it’s miles hour per instead of miles per hour! (Reddit)
  • The Atlantic followed our groundbreaking 311 investigation with its own version — one that nicely cited Jesse Coburn’s fine work. (Even the Atlantic’s graphic is similar to ours! More the merrier.)
  • It’s time to check in on what’s going on with the Department of Transportation’s effort to codify and regulate outdoor dining areas — and Gothamist did just that. Naturally, community boards are seeking way more say than is necessary — but with the rules still in flux, it’s good to hear from everyone. After all, that curbside lane is public space, so just as safe streets advocates don’t like it being given away for free to car drivers, they don’t necessarily want it commercialized by restaurants, either.
  • Here’s the latest opinion piece assessing Mayor de Blasio’s two terms — they were better than you think, but not as good as you wanted. (NYDN)
  • Batteries used by e-bikes and e-scooters sparked a fatal blaze in the East Village, the FDNY said. (NYDN)
  • As we mentioned in last Monday’s headlines post, the MTA is retiring its oldest subway cars, the R-32 “Brightliners.” (NYDN)
  • The Department of City Planning dumped a 286-page, dead-on-arrival “Comprehensive Waterfront Plan” [PDF] on reporters (and on incoming Mayor Eric Adams) just 11 days before Mayor de Blasio leaves office — and no one covered it except the lowly Brooklyn Eagle, which printed the Sunday press release.
  • But speaking of water, if we’re going to have a ferry system at all, it should serve Canarsie, too, residents say. (amNY)
  • A Staten Island baseball phenom died in a car crash on the Rock (NYDN), one of two fatal car crashes over the weekend (NY Post).
  • Cow with a beef on the lam in Queens. (NY Post)
  • In case you missed it late last week, writer Christopher Ketcham shared his outrage at what a bad job police do in keeping bike lanes safe — including handing Ketcham a “No Bell” prize for asking police to do their jobs. Friend of Streetsblog Charles Komanoff had the money quote: “Cycling is everything cops are acculturated to despise: urban, improvisatory and joyous rather than suburban, rulebook and buttoned-up,” he said. (NYDN)
  • There’s not enough leg room on the new express buses! (The City)
  • Stars — they’re just like us. The lead singer and guitarist of Dinosaur Jr. is a cyclist! (New Yorker) And Yankee pitcher Jameson Taillon loves the subway (The Athletic).
  • Queens Council Member Adrienne Adams is the Speaker-apparently-elect (Gothamist). She celebrated her apparent victory with a virtual rally on Sunday (amNY).
  • Urban planner Alexander Garvin is dead. Vince DiMiceli wrote up the sad news for the Real Deal.
  • And, finally, our December Donation Drive is well past the midpoint and we are so grateful for your support. Here’s the honor roll of our benefactors from over the weekend: Thanks, Anne! Thanks, Richard! Thanks, Jon! Want to join the list of great people who are generous, warm-hearted, loving and attractive? Just click here.