A Round and a Roundy: The Mayor’s Unused Arsenal

Cartoon: Bill Roundy
Cartoon: Bill Roundy
Editorial cartoon of Bill Roundy by editorial cartoonist Bill Roundy.
Editorial cartoon of Bill Roundy by editorial cartoonist Bill Roundy

Leave it to our national treasure cartoonist Bill Roundy to once again turn the de Blasio administration’s war on surrender to gridlock into an indelible, sharable panel.

Face it, the mayor’s “Gridlock Alert” days are nothing but a white flag being waved by a city unwilling to use the tools readily at its disposal: When the United Nations is in full swing or Christmas shoppers from the suburbs descend, we need to manage the streets (which ain’t getting and bigger) to make sure essential deliveries can be made, old ladies from Queens can get to their doctors and emergency service workers can perform their life-saving work — all the while keeping our neighborhoods from getting choked.

But the de Blasio administration would prefer to just ask people not to drive.

Bill Roundy’s cartoons comprise a compendium of congestion comprehension. Check them all out here.