A Round and a Roundy: When Plan A and Plan B are Unacceptable

Cartoon: Bill Roundy
Cartoon: Bill Roundy
Editorial cartoon of Bill Roundy by editorial cartoonist Bill Roundy.
Editorial cartoon of Bill Roundy by editorial cartoonist Bill Roundy.

There’s a reason our national treasure cartoonist depicts Mayor de Blasio in a sleeping cap and robe.

The latest example of Hizzoner’s sleepy pace? His ongoing failure to provide cyclists with safe routes across Central Park so that they don’t risk their lives on the transverse highways (where one cyclist died in 2019) or annoy pedestrians on the park’s several shared cycling and walking paths.

The mayor was asked about it again last week — after a bike rider was killed by a Postal Service truck driver on Central Park West — and his answer was pure Sleepy de Blasio: he’s waiting for his staff to devise a plan (even though discussions between activists and the Parks Department date back to 2010).

Wake up, sleepy head!

All of Bill Roundy’s cartoons are archived here.