Around and a Roundy: The Hummer Stays in the Picture

Cartoon: Bill Roundy
Cartoon: Bill Roundy
Editorial cartoon of Bill Roundy by editorial cartoonist Bill Roundy.
Editorial cartoon of Bill Roundy by editorial cartoonist Bill Roundy.

Our national treasure cartoonist Bill Roundy has been watching the growing anger about electric bikes with a certain amount of confusion.

Given that hundreds of people die every year on New York City streets — all but one or two of them by car or truck drivers — it’s hard to understand why more and more people are focusing their advocacy on the riders of electric bikes at the expense of where the fight must continue to be taken: against the 3,000- to 10,000-pound motorized vehicles that are clogging our streets, polluting our air and killing and maiming our kids and grandparents several times every day.

So before you go running to your local community board or precinct community council — or before you start typing in all caps on Nextdoor — how about remembering what’s really going on on our streets?

All of Bill Roundy’s cartoons are archived here.