Thursday’s Headlines: No Fooling Edition

Everything you will read below is 100 percent true, despite the date on the calendar. So here we go:

  • President Biden’s infrastructure plan could help finish the Second Avenue subway and the Gateway project (well, we can dream, can’t we?) (NYDN, NY Post)
  • Wow, this Cuomo story gets worse and worse. Seriously, though, how is the guy still governor? (NY Times). Plus, he’s really pushing this Penn Station real estate deal hard (NYDN).
  • Progressive mayoral darling Dianne Morales is going to buy a bike. (Via Twitter)
  • Mayor de Blasio signed an executive order seeking to make the NYPD more diverse. (NY Post, amNY)
  • After having a bad day earlier this month (when one-time mayoral front-runner Corey Johnson jumped into the comptroller race), candidate Brad Lander had a good day yesterday, as Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez endorsed him. (NY Post, NY Times)
  • Darn, we wish this was true! (NYC Bike Lanes via Twitter)
  • As the pushback from entitled car owners continues about congestion pricing, remember that we always have Charles Komanoff fighting the good fight. (Lower Manhattan Local News)
  • Cameras work great on the roads, but not, apparently, in the subway. (Gothamist)
  • The race to the exits for term-limited lawmakers continues as Queens Council Member Costa Constantinides resigns to help kids (QNS). Constantinides endorsed Tiffany Caban for the job (Gothamist).
  • Finally, Friend of Streetsblog Annie Weinstock tweeted about a sinkhole in the bike lane on Second Street near Fifth Avenue, so we demanded art — and she went back and photographed it for us.
Look out if you're biking on Fifth Avenue at around Second Street in Park Slope. Photo: Annie Weinstock
Look out if you’re biking on Second Street near Fifth Avenue in Park Slope. Photo: Annie Weinstock