Tuesday’s Headlines: A Mix of Strategies Edition

Graphic: Wall Street Journal
Graphic: Wall Street Journal

We start today with a hat tip to the Wall Street Journal, which did a nifty interactive on how America can’t really electrify its way out of the climate crisis, but must rely on a mix of strategies that include making cars much lighter and reducing the amount of driving this damn country does.

One quibble: The story didn’t mention the main problem with electric cars: their drivers will likely kill as many Americans as gas-powered drivers kill today (it’s about 40,000 people nationwide … every year).

Still, credit where due: The charts and graphs and circles and arrows and paragraphs on the back of each one make it clear that the future is in density — and our demise is in sprawl.

And in other news:

  • The bottom line is that riders need to return or else transit will die, despite the federal bailout, the Times reported.
  • Staten Island drivers were fuming (do they do anything but fume) after the state DOT put up a sign for the Goethals Bridge that misspelled the span as “Geothals.” (SI Advance, NY Post)
  • OK, so maybe the Mario Cuomo Bridge won’t fall down. (NY Post)
  • Our old man editor was still the editor of the Brooklyn Paper when the MTA first started talking about a second entrance to the crowded York Street station in booming DUMBO (and that was like four jobs ago!), but apparently the agency is considering it again. (Brooklyn Paper)
  • Like us, Mark Hallum at amNY banged out coverage of the Transportation Alternatives-led efforts to get Mayor de Blasio to do open streets right.
  • The NYPD isn’t the only outfit in town using barricades to restrict us from public space. The 9/11 memorial is also blocked off for specious reasons, as the Tribeca Citizen reported.
  • And, finally, if you’re a vote in The Bronx, you’ll want to check out Dave Colon’s twin Special Election previews — one for Riverdale’s 11th District, and another for Fordham’s 15th District. Get out and vote today!
  • Oh, and speaking of voting, make sure to cast your ballot in the Manhattan borough final in our March (Parking) Madness tournament. You won’t believe it, but the 34th Precinct actually harassed our reporter! Can the Fifth Precinct top that?!



To E-Bike or Not to E-Bike

An e-bike used by a business to haul sandwiches in Glasgow, Scotland. (Photo: Ben Cooper via Flickr) You’re seeing electric-powered bicycles more and more on the streets of New York these days, so far mostly ridden by restaurant deliverymen. But are they just early adopters of what will become a more widespread trend? Today on […]