A Round and a Roundy: Get Out of Joe’s Way, Governor, Mayor and Senator!

Cartoon: Bill Roundy
Cartoon: Bill Roundy
Editorial cartoon of Bill Roundy by editorial cartoonist Bill Roundy.
Editorial cartoon of Bill Roundy by editorial cartoonist Bill Roundy.

He has the rope! And the man is drowning in quicksand! So why are the governor, the mayor and the senator not telling him?!

That, in a nutshell, is what all of us at Streetsblog have been feeling these past few weeks — as Gov. Cuomo, Mayor de Blasio and Sen. Chuck Schumer have had repeated opportunities to talk to President Biden about congestion pricing … and have failed to do so.

Fortunately, we have cartoonist and national treasure Bill Roundy to take our inchoate, guttural outrage and frame it (single-frame it, if you will) into perfection.

So there you have it: The three “wise” men will literally talk to Biden about any other topic but saving congestion pricing, which remains on hold until the federal government decides what kind of environmental review it wants New York State to conduct (no, really, that’s the freakin’ holdup). On the plus side, Council Speaker Corey Johnson has been in contact with new Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg.

All of Bill Roundy’s cartoons are archived here.