Thursday’s Headlines: Last Day of the Year Edition

The new Moynihan station. Photo: Governor's office
The new Moynihan station. Photo: Governor's office
It's our December donation drive. Your gift helps us do these kinds of important stories. So please click here.
It’s our December donation drive. Your gift helps us do these kinds of important stories. So please click here.

It’s the last day of interminable 2020, which means it’s also the last day of our December Donation Drive, the one time of the year when we annoy our readers with requests for your support to help us keep doing what we do. So click the logo and end 2020 with at least some good news.

Speaking of news:

  • Before everyone jumps to conclusions about the incident involving teenage cyclists and the man driving the BMW, let’s be clear that published reports lack critical information (though most had evidence — in the form of a smashed window and videos — that the teens in question took things too far):
    • The Daily News led with a “mishap” involving the driver injuring one of the cyclists, but then never got back to that key detail.
    • The Post made no mention of that “mishap,” but vaguely suggested that a cyclist had run himself into the car. Then claimed, again without any corroborating evidence or even attribution, that the same “gang” of teens attacked another car nearby.
  • The new $1.6-billion Moynihan train station (photo above) doesn’t officially open until Friday, but several outlets got a sneak peak (NY Post, NY Times, amNY, with Gothamist doing the definitive work).
  • The NYPD never seems to be able to get reporters any information about crashes — such as the speed of a driver or if a truck was illegally parked on a known dangerous roadway — except when the information serves their agenda of blaming cyclists for their own deaths. (NY Post)
  • And here’s our second-to-last chance to thank our benefactors from yesterday: Thanks, Peter L.!, Thanks, Renee W.! Thanks, Peter H.!

Happy new year, everyone! Let’s have a safe and livable 2021. Thanks for reading.