Wednesday’s Headlines: Cuomo’s Muscle Car Madness Edition

The governor loves cars. Photo: Kevin P. Coughlin/Office of Governor Andrew M. Cuomo
The governor loves cars. Photo: Kevin P. Coughlin/Office of Governor Andrew M. Cuomo

You know what? We’re a little sick of Gov. Cuomo’s muscle car act. And if we’re going to call out those Trump-flag-adorned pick-up trucks, we’d be intellectually dishonest if we didn’t call out Big Dog Excelsior Car Guy for his flagrant abuse of our air with his constant use of his car.

We did tweak the governor earlier this year when he showed up at a pandemic event on Wall Street in the ultimate respiratory vector. And we always mock the governor when he pulls FDRs old Packard out of the executive garage.

Well, apparently, we’re not alone in our rage against Cuomo’s machines, as reporter Joe Mahoney showed with a tweet:

Here’s hoping the makes some changes.

In other news:

  • Who says customers aren’t flocking to the subway? (NYDN, NY Times)
  • WNYC did the latest, “What will a Biden mean for transit?” story.
  • Decades after women entered the MTA workforce, the transit agency has finally figured out how to accommodate them during pregnancy. (NYDN)
  • OK, so it’s not right for anyone to punch anyone else, but the Post took the exact wrong take on its story about the cyclist who allegedly punched a traffic agent after the agent doored him in traffic, almost killing him. In the past few years, at least a half-dozen cyclists have died, and hundreds more have been seriously injured, in that very situation — and state law specifically holds drivers responsible for looking before opening their doors.
  • And yesterday was a busy day it was for Streetsblog: