Wednesday Headlines: Two Streets Per Borough Edition

Photo: Clarence Eckerson Jr.
Photo: Clarence Eckerson Jr.

We finally got an answer from the mayor about his plan for opening up some streets to pedestrians. Yes, it was lame. We had full coverage, while the Post’s David Meyer (who knows better!) played it dead-on straight.

The other big story of the day was the pretty significant cuts made by the MTA in light of the massive reductions in ridership, with the Post, the News, the Times, Gothamist, Streetsblog, and the WSJ all had angles. The cuts in service, however, may backfire if trains get too crowded (NY Post).

In other news (and there wasn’t much!):

  • The Post found that people weren’t congregating in parks that much, despite the nice weather.
  • The Times says people are hanging out in cemeteries.
  • Hey, rich people — stop taking your corona to your second homes! (WSJ)
  • Street vendors are really suffering right now. (WSJ)
  • Citi Bike is offering free monthly memberships to city emergency, healthcare and transit workers, a nice bit of corporate largesse. (WABC7)
  • In case you missed it, we crunched the numbers on how much drivers are speeding right now.

Stay safe out there … by not going out there.