Friday’s Headlines: Thanks for the Support Edition

We begged you to come to our fundraiser and, for the most part, you listened. So thanks to everyone who showed up and helped contribute to funding another year of our fight for livable streets and better transit.
Tout le monde was there, so click through our slide show to see what you missed.
As we nurse our hangovers, here’s the news from a slow day:
- The Post followed our story about the very serious charges facing a cyclist who allegedly killed Donna Sturm in Midtown earlier this year.
- You GOTTA love this insurance scam story from Stephen Rex Brown at the Daily News.
- Instead of moving the bull sculpture (WSJ), you know, Mr. Mayor, you could just pedestrianize all of Manhattan below Chambers Street.
- Following up on Streetsblog’s relentless coverage of SUV-caused carnage, City Limits published an op-ed calling for the assault cars to be banned in New York City.