Wednesday’s Headlines: See You on Thursday Edition?

Reminder: On Thursday, we’re holding our annual cocktail party and fundraiser in Tribeca, so why not buy a ticket and hang out with your favorite warriors for street safety and livable communities? There might even be a few celebrity sightings (Clayton Guse from the Daily Newsuh claims he’ll attend — and of course Streetsblog alum David Meyer will be there, right? Naparstek? Gordon? Vaccaro (and White?)? Ho? Goodyear? You never know!).

Ticket information is here. We’d love to see you (and, more important, collect your donations to help us keep waging the fight for a better city)!

Until tomorrow, here’s the news:

  • On Tuesday, we were obsessed with telling incoming NYPD Commissioner Dermot Shea how to do his job, then Emma Whitford dropped the mic on us and pointed out the most important thing: WE NEED FEWER COPS! (Gothamist)
  • Need more evidence that parking is a psychosis? Check out Gothamist’s coverage of what’s going on in Bay Ridge.
  • The Post followed (and nicely linked to) our coverage of the National Transportation Safety Board’s surprise decision to recommend bike helmet laws for every state.
  • The Tabloid of Record had a second day of nailing the Board of Elections for spending millions on cab rides.
  • The Times’s Emma Fitzsimmons nailed her story on Gov. Cuomo’s bizarre bid for 500 more MTA cops. Our own Dave Colon provided the hammer earlier in the week.
  • The Daily News had more about Gilberta Hernandez, who was killed by a driver on Bay Parkway last week — though no attribution on how the paper concluded that the driver had the green light.
  • A thief stole a car, then abandoned it, but the car ended up running over a woman in Queens (if you can believe the NY Post version (we, and the Daily News, did not)
  • Uber is adding public transit to its app — so you have less of an excuse to take a car. (NY Post)
  • And, finally, we’ve been openly mocking the governor’s bid to add 500 cops to the subway system, but no one openly mocks better than The Onion.


This Week: Streetsblog Happy Hour and More

It’s a packed week on the livable streets calendar, but hopefully you can find some time on Wednesday to come out to Dutch Kills Centraal in Long Island City for the Streetsblog and Streetfilms happy hour. We’d love to meet you! The party gets started at 6 p.m., with half-price drinks, great food, and a […]

Join Us for the Streetsblog and Streetfilms Benefit Next Friday

The Streetsblog and Streetfilms annual benefit is fast approaching, and if you don’t have a ticket yet, now’s the time to snag one. We’ll be honoring one of NYC’s true livable streets champions, City Council Member Melissa Mark-Viverito, at WNYC’s The Greene Space. The Streetfilms crew has helpfully condensed the evening’s agenda into this short […]

This Week: Vote! And Buy a Ticket to Our 10-Year Benefit

Only one day to go until this never-ending campaign season wraps up. If you want a short distraction from election jitters or you need a mental break from calling swing state voters, tickets are on sale for our 10-year benefit, one week from today. Buy a seat to support a great cause and give yourself a brief reprieve from constantly refreshing […]