Friday’s Headlines: Cars Are Big Killing Machines Edition

City firefighter Brauley De La Rosa is still driving recklessly after he tried to kill a cyclist with his car in June. Photo: Liz Gonzales
City firefighter Brauley De La Rosa is still driving recklessly after he tried to kill a cyclist with his car in June. Photo: Liz Gonzales

You had to see the video — and thanks to Gothamist, many did. A driver on the West Side Highway was seen trying to drive over a cyclist. Streetsblog’s own coverage pointed out that, sure, we don’t know exactly what happened — but we do know that there’s not a single thing that someone on a bike can do to a driver that would warrant being run over as retaliation. Thankfully, the NYPD was on the case … and let the driver go.

Oy vey.

Here’s the rest of your news for Friday:

  • Wow, Jeffrey Mays really missed one key thing about Corey Johnson in his broad profile on him in the Times. Not a word about the would-be mayor’s leadership on livable streets? It’s like the guy’s main platform agenda! His “State of the City” address centered on his one-hundred-page plan for fixing our streets. Not a single word, Gray Lady? Come on.
  • Breaking news out of Brooklyn’s Community Board 10 in Bay Ridge: The DOT’s plan for a “starter pack” of bike lanes didn’t fair too well, says Radio Free Bay Ridge. Remind us again why the DOT asks untrained people to make decisions about street safety.
  • In case you missed it, we did a post-mortem on Polly Trottenberg’s resignation from the MTA board.
  • Um, cutting a cord on a timekeeping device is not a good way for LIRR workers to fight the perception that they lie about their hours (NYDN). And they’re still using antique punch cards, like in “Laverne and Shirley”! (NY Post)
  • Amazon wants its delivery robots to be treated like pedestrians. So you mean like garbage? (Business Insider)
  • Gothamist has another disgusting-thing-on-the-subway video — which you know you’re going to watch.
  • And how about this: A cop on a bike ticketing trucks parked in a bike lane! (Reddit)

That’s all for now, folks. We’ll start our day at Sen. Jessica Ramos’s e-bike hearing at Flushing Town Hall at 10 a.m.