Friday’s Headlines: This is What Drivers Think of Cyclists Edition

Enjoy the weekend. Here’s your news:

  • Here’s a video posted on Reddit by a cyclist who claims he was doored — and it shows that at the very least, drivers should be psychologically tested before getting permission to pilot a killing machine.
  • We love stories about entitled drivers who abuse HOV lanes by putting a dummy in the passenger seat, but this one takes the cake (Newsday) — and it also raises the question: Shouldn’t there be an extra penalty for the attempt to deceive?
  • The New York Law Journal (paywalled) offers a primer on legal underpinning of congestion pricing.
  • Carnage in Brooklyn (NYDN) as driver claims her brakes failed (yeah, failed to prevent her from driving the wrong way (NY Post).
  • OMNY is coming. (amNY)
  • Could this be when the mayor announces his bid? On Monday, de Blasio will rally for the Green New Deal at Trump Tower. His support for the environment at least provides him with a rationale — though, please, do us a favor and don’t drive to the rally! (NY Post)
  • The 7 train is getting better — just in time for that Met day game on May 23! (amNY)
  • And, finally, if you want to reduce, reuse and recycle, Manhattan Borough President Gale Brewer grant team wants to hear from you. (New York County Politics)


Hit-and-Run Drivers Killed Two People in NYC This Weekend

Hit-and-run drivers killed a pedestrian and a cyclist in Brooklyn and Queens this weekend. Sunday night at around 9:30, a 40-year-old man riding a bike on Rockaway Boulevard near 90th Street was struck by the driver of a Mercedes van, according to reports. NYPD told the media the driver sideswiped the cyclist from behind and […]

How Meaningful Was NYPD’s Weekend Speeding Sweep?

A few thoughts on the NYPD “anti-speeding initiative” the department conducted last weekend, when police issued 736 citations to drivers across the five boroughs. First, it’s a good sign that NYPD seems to be responding to public pressure to tame speeding drivers, and that the department sees PR value in highlighting this enforcement effort. These speeding […]