Thursday’s Headlines: School Zone Parking Soapbox Edition

Photo: Gersh Kuntzman
Photo: Gersh Kuntzman

Anyone lucky enough to have been biking around yesterday enjoyed more than just the weather. Thanks to public school vacations, our roadways were far less congested and far less stressful than normal weekdays — and there’s a simple reason why: When schools aren’t in session, teachers aren’t driving, which they do more than they should because Mayor de Blasio handed out 50,000 parking placards to school employees. All those teachers’ cars fill up all the curb space around schools — which then encourage other drivers and school buses to double-park next to them. The result lots of cars, many of them illegally parked, around schools filled with kids — not a good combination.

The next mayor should do whatever he or she can to get teachers off the roads. This blissful, low-traffic week is evidence of it.

And now we’ll hop down off the soapbox to deliver the news: