This Week: Make Your Case for the 14th Street PeopleWay

Without the L train, 14th Street will need a lot more dedicated space for buses. Image: BRT Planning International
Without the L train, 14th Street will need a lot more dedicated space for buses. Image: BRT Planning International

Later this year, DOT and the MTA will release their plan to keep people moving when the western section of the L train is taken out of service for 18 months of Sandy-related repairs. Hundreds of thousands of subway trips will be affected each day.

The agencies are holding a series of public workshops to inform the plan — this is your chance to speak up for transit-priority streets, protected bikeways, and expanded pedestrian space. This Thursday the action comes to the east side of 14th Street. You can RSVP for the workshop via Transportation Alternatives.

Streetsblog calendar highlights below. Check the full calendar for more info on these and other events.

  • Today: The Manhattan Community Board 6 transportation committee will get an update on DOT projects in the district and review a survey on hazardous intersections conducted by the board. NYU Medical Center, Coles 101, 550 First Avenue, Manhattan. 6 p.m.
  • Tuesday: DOT’s series of citywide transit planning workshops continues with an event in Harlem. Adam Clayton Powell Jr. State Office Building, 163 W. 125th Street, Second Floor. 6 p.m.
  • Tuesday: RPA hosts a forum on what NYC can learn from other cities about building a streetcar line, with keynote speaker Earl Blumenauer. Brooklyn Law School’s Forchelli Conference Center, 205 State Street, 22nd Floor, Brooklyn. 6 p.m. Space is limited. Email to RSVP.
  • Wednesday: DOT will discuss proposed safety improvements to Franklin Avenue from Eastern Parkway to Empire Boulevard with the Brooklyn CB 9 transportation committee. DOT shelved a plan for a road diet and bike lane on this segment on Franklin in 2014, after CB 9 voted against it. Crown Gardens Community Room, 1185 Carroll Street, Brooklyn. 7 p.m.
  • Thursday: DOT and the MTA host a public forum on the L train shutdown. Town and Village Synagogue, 334 E. 14th Street. 7 p.m. RSVP here.

Watch the calendar for updates. Drop us a line if you have an event we should know about.


This Week: 14th Street PeopleWay, Remembering Asif Rahman

A very busy week on the Streetsblog calendar starts off with a memorial ride later today for Asif Rahman, who was killed by a truck driver while biking on Queens Boulevard eight years ago and would have turned 31 today. Queens Boulevard is getting safer thanks in large part to the advocacy of Asif’s mother […]
Map: RPA

This Week: Planning for a 14th Street With No L Train

The looming L train shutdown will disrupt travel for hundreds of thousands of New Yorkers and demands a serious response. This week you can speak up for a robust plan to keep people moving sans L train at a workshop in Manhattan, where advocates are calling on DOT and the MTA to implement transitways on 14th Street and Delancey Street.

This Week: Big Votes on Bike Lanes for Amsterdam and Sixth Ave

Community boards are expected to vote on two major Manhattan street safety projects this week: protected bike lanes for Sixth Avenue and Amsterdam Avenue. There’s a lot more community board action in Brooklyn — so much that we couldn’t cram it all into this post. See the complete Streetsblog calendar for more events. Tuesday: DOT will present a plan for […]