Bike to Work Day Open Thread

Happy Bike to Work Day, NYC. Here’s part of one light cycle at the Sands Street entry to the Manhattan Bridge bike path, footage courtesy of Doug Gordon. Imagine the traffic jam if all these people were in cars.

Clarence was out with his camera this morning at some of TransAlt’s commuter stations (thank you, early-rising TA volunteers and staff!), asking people whether they bike more now than five years ago — and if so, why. Incredibly, he says he can crank out a Streetfilm by noonish. Until then, this thread is yours to answer the “five years ago” question and share your BTWD observations.



Revisiting the Idea of a Bicycle Tax

The city of Tucson has some nice-looking bicycle infrastructure. Now the City Council is looking at imposing bike registration fees, even though the system wouldn’t even pay for itself. (Photo: Steven Vance via Flickr) Two different methods of making bicycle riders pay for roads came over the feed on the Streetsblog Network over the last […]

Open Thread: Share Your Bike-to-Work Stories

City Council Members John Liu and David Yassky bike to City Hall at a press event yesterday (the other 49 took a pass), as Paul Steely White brings up the rear in style. The weather may not be fully cooperating, but we know Streetsbloggers won’t be deterred on National Bike to Work Day. We want […]

Bike to Work Day Open Thread

Happy National Bike to Work Day, Streetsbloggers. Anyone ride in to the office for the first time today? Share your stories about today’s commute and those friendly TransAlt breakfast stations in the comments.