This Week: Bus Lane Bonanza

The Streetsblog calendar has a full slate of Select Bus Service and bus lane plans this week. There are also some important bike projects up for consideration by Brooklyn community boards. And now that it’s spring, it’s the season for silly City Council bills that open the door for more cyclist harassment by police.

Here are the highlights — check the calendar for the full listing of events:

Keep an eye on the calendar for updated listings. Got an event we should know about? Drop us a line.


This Week: NBBL Get Their Day in Court

The most significant transportation-related event this week will likely be Wednesday’s Brooklyn Supreme Court hearing on the Prospect Park West bike lane lawsuit. Judge Bert Bunyan is expected to consider the bike lane opponents’ main legal arguments for the first time at this hearing. We don’t have the exact time or room number for the […]

This Week: Better Bus Service for the B44, Bike to Work Day

The week kicks off with a community board meeting on Brooklyn’s first Select Bus Service line and culminates with the day we set aside each year to get the word out about the joys of bike commuting. Monday: More than 40,000 Brooklynites ride the B44 each weekday, enduring the most unreliable bus service in New […]

This Week: Hudson St. Bikeway, Community Board Join-Up

The Department of Transportation’s comprehensive tour of community boards to present plans for bike-sharing continues this week at Manhattan CB 3 and CB 7, and Brooklyn CB 1. For a full listing of bike-share events, check the NYC DOT bike-share site. Also important this week is a meeting of Manhattan CB 2’s transportation committee. Local […]

This Week: Bay Ridge Parkway Sharrows, Jamaica Bus Lanes

Lots of community board action this week. DOT will be unveiling transit improvements for Port Richmond in Staten Island and safety fixes in Greenpoint, while one community board will get a chance to hear from the NYPD about traffic enforcement and another will take a final vote over the proposed Bay Ridge Parkway bike markings. […]

This Week: The Return of Community Board Season

As summer comes to a close, community boards start to convene again. This week the calendar is filling up with community board discussions of Manhattan plazas, bus lanes, and more. See the full slate of events on the Streetsblog calendar. Here are the highlights: Monday: Vornado Realty Trust gives an update on the temporary plaza and sidewalk extensions installed […]

This Week in Livable Streets Events

Bike Month has officially come and gone, but in Brooklyn the festivities continue into June with BikeBKLN, which leads this week’s upsurge in activity on the Streetsblog Calendar. Here are the highlights. Monday: The Transportation Alternatives Brooklyn Committee has a full BikeBKLN schedule planned. Two events are today: Bike From Work Day snacks on the […]