Who Are NYC’s Worst Sidewalk Hogs? Keep Those Tweets Coming

Car rental outlets on W. 83rd Street in Manhattan don’t own the sidewalk. They just hog it like they do. Photo: ##https://twitter.com/kencoughlin/status/485457059551260672/photo/1##@kencoughlin##
Car rental outlets on W. 83rd Street in Manhattan don’t own the sidewalk. They just hog it like they do. Photo: ##https://twitter.com/kencoughlin/status/485457059551260672/photo/1##@kencoughlin##

There’s still time to submit your photos of sidewalk-hogging businesses.

Inspired by Clarence Eckerson’s pics of a car dealership that swallowed a new sidewalk extension in Sunnyside, we’re looking for other examples across the city. Readers who tweet the most shameless #sidewalkhogs shots will be rewarded with Streetfilms DVDs. Be sure to include location info in your tweets.

Here’s some of what we’re seeing so far.

Manetta’s Restaurant in Long Island City takes over the sidewalk and the access ramp for valet parking. Classy. Photo: ##https://twitter.com/alter_spaces/status/449690329835249664/photo/1##@alter_spaces##
Manetta’s Restaurant in Long Island City takes over the sidewalk and the access ramp for valet parking. Classy. Photo: ##https://twitter.com/alter_spaces/status/449690329835249664/photo/1##@alter_spaces##

The U.S. Postal Service delivers near-total sidewalk obstruction to pedestrians at Broadway and State Street. Photo: ##https://twitter.com/simonsmith1978/status/485910301846822912/photo/1##@simonsmith1978##
The U.S. Postal Service delivers near-total sidewalk obstruction to pedestrians at Broadway and State Street. Photo: ##https://twitter.com/simonsmith1978/status/485910301846822912/photo/1##@simonsmith1978##


Here They Are: Meet Some of NYC’s Worst Sidewalk Hogs

We asked for photos of NYC’s worst sidewalk-hogging businesses, and readers responded. We relaxed our guidelines a little to make room for government agencies. In the arena of public institutions that show no respect for people on foot, the United States Postal Service and employees of Metro-North in Harlem deserve special recognition. Not surprisingly, car-related […]

Sidewalk Parking Opponents Gain Ground in . . . Where?

It is hard to tell exactly where the sidewalk meets the street above, where cars dominate the streetscape and wreck the pedestrian experience. Maybe that’s what’s to be expected in Los Angeles, where the photo was taken. As you can see, the upper row of cars are parked to straddle the curb (front wheels on the sidewalk, […]