DOT: Improvements to Broadway at Dyckman Street Coming in May

DOT should begin work next month on long-awaited improvements to a dangerous Broadway intersection in Inwood.
Pedestrians are forced to negotiate long crossings while watching for drivers coming from different directions simultaneously where Broadway meets Dyckman/200th Street and Riverside Drive. There were 128 crashes there from 2010 to 2012, resulting in injuries to three cyclists, five pedestrians, and 10 vehicle occupants, according to DOT.
Last fall Community Board 12 endorsed a DOT proposal to implement turn bans, signalization tweaks, new signage, and enhancements to pedestrian space, which will shorten crossing distances and eliminate some conflicts between pedestrians and turning drivers.
Work was supposed to begin in March, but with no changes evident earlier this month, Streetsblog reached out to DOT and CB 12. The community board was unaware that the project was delayed. “We’re looking to implement this project in May,” a DOT spokesperson said.
This summer Fort George Hill will be the site of Upper Manhattan’s first protected bike lane, pending a thumbs-up from CB 12. The protected lane would be one of a number of bike improvements planned for Washington Heights and Inwood.