On Bike-Share Opening Day, the Post Wears Its Rotten Heart on Its Sleeve

This morning’s headline stack was full of attempts by the New York Post to pour cold water on today’s bike-share launch. The tabloid is so committed to its cause, it plastered it on its front cover, just below the day’s most important celebrity gossip.
Like the rest of the NYC press corps, the Post is covering today’s launch. I was interviewing bike-share users at Fulton Street and Hudson Avenue in Brooklyn at about 10:45 a.m. when Post reporter Julia Marsh stopped her car in the travel lane and hopped out to do an interview. Once she realized she wasn’t going to get a story there, she got back in her vehicle and sped off, engaging in a honking match with a motorist who was trying to pass her.
The New Yorker, meanwhile, offered some food for thought on physical activity and urban space. As illustrator Marcellus Hall explained in the magazine, “I’m not one of those hard-core bike freaks; it’s just a good way for me to get around in the city.”