Council Member Jimmy Van Bramer and Staff Celebrate Bike to Work Day

Queens Council Member Jimmy Van Bramer and his staff biked to work today. From left to right, Aycan Kaptaner, Matthew Wallace, Council Member Van Bramer, Jason Banrey, and Andres Villa. Photo: ## Van Bramer/Twitter##

Via Twitter, here’s Council Member Jimmy Van Bramer and crew gearing up for Bike to Work Day in Queens this morning.

Don’t forget to share your pictures of today’s commute by adding the “Streetsblog” tag on Flickr or emailing us at

Any other electeds make the ride to work today?


Van Bramer to Car Dealers: Stop Hogging Northern Boulevard Sidewalks

Walking the car-clogged sidewalks of Northern Boulevard this morning with street safety advocates and press in tow, Council Member Jimmy Van Bramer called on two NYPD precincts to crack down on auto dealerships that treat pedestrian space as car showrooms. “They have a right to make money,” Van Bramer said of the dealerships. “But they do not have a […]

City Council Members Joining Citi Bike: The Tally Grows

DOT Commissioner Janette Sadik-Khan announced bike-share’s Memorial Day launch date at last week’s budget hearing, but Council Member Jimmy Van Bramer had some news of his own: He had joined thousands of New Yorkers in becoming a Citi Bike member. “I want to say proudly I am one of the 8,000 people who have signed up […]