Eyes on the Street: A New Bike Corral and a Safer Intersection in Cobble Hill

A new bike corral was installed yesterday on Court Street in Brooklyn. Photo: Josef Szende/Atlantic Avenue BID

Yesterday, DOT crews installed a bike corral on Court Street near the intersection with Pacific Street, in a “no standing” zone that was often ignored. Like other bike corrals the city has recently installed, this one will improve safety for pedestrians by keeping the corner visible to turning drivers. It’s also going to improve customer access to nearby retailers, including the Trader Joe’s across Court Street.

The planting was done by Atlantic Avenue gardening shop Dig and was paid for by the Cobble Hill Association (the corral is one of several street safety improvements the CHA has called for). The Atlantic Avenue Business Improvement District will maintain the bike corral. Community Board 2’s transportation committee voted unanimously in support of the project in June.

The Cobble Hill Association advocated for the bike corral to help improve sightlines at the corner of Court and Pacific. Photo: Josef Szende/Atlantic Avenue BID


Citi Bike Expands South of Atlantic Avenue

Yesterday, Citi Bike began installing stations in the Brooklyn neighborhoods south of Atlantic Avenue and west of Prospect Park. A few stations are already operating, according to the Citi Bike station map, with a total of 73 set to go live in the area in the coming weeks. All told there are 139 new bike-share stations […]

Eyes on the Street: The 78th Precinct Gets Its Bike Corral

After a request from 78th Precinct commanding officer Captain Frank DiGiacomo, DOT has installed a four-rack bike corral in front of the precinct house on Bergen Street in Prospect Heights. N. Wayne Bailey, chair of the precinct’s community council, snapped photos of the new bike parking yesterday. The 78th Precinct has established a reputation for supporting livable […]

This Week: 31st Ave. Bike Route, Citi Bike Expansion in Brooklyn

Update: This vote has been postponed. Tomorrow, Queens Community Board 1 will decide whether to endorse a DOT plan for the beginnings of an east-west bike route, consisting of bike lanes and sharrows, on 31st Avenue. This phase would run between Vernon Boulevard and the BQE, with a second phase extending to the Flushing Bay Promenade. Local volunteers […]