Gas Station Gridlock Snares Buses, NYPD Resources in Washington Heights

A line for gas occupied one lane of Broadway for blocks, and created gridlock on several more. Photos: Brad Aaron

If yellow cabs and livery cabs can’t get gas, that’s a problem, especially when train service is limited and buses are packed. But many of the cars in this line, which clogged one lane of Broadway from 168th to 174th Street in Washington Heights this afternoon, were private vehicles.

An M3 tries to merge onto Broadway north of 168th Street.

I counted 11 NYPD personnel, including auxiliary officers and TEAs, assigned to this mess. In addition to occupying a traffic lane — most drivers were parked, engines off — the line kept buses from moving and forced passengers to wade into the street to board.

Bus passengers wait next to the gas lane.

At the gas station, on Broadway at 174th, five TEAs assumed the role of service station attendants, directing drivers to gas pumps.

A TEA guides a livery cab driver to a gas pump.

In other news from Upper Manhattan, buses were standing room only today, while this afternoon ridership was normal to light on the 1 train. There was a report on Twitter this morning that NYPD was enforcing the HOV-3 restriction on vehicles entering the Henry Hudson Parkway from Riverside Drive at Dyckman Street, presumably to catch drivers attempting to dodge the rule by using the Harlem River bridges. We’ll try to verify that tomorrow.


Tonight: Dyckman Greenway Connector Presented to Stringer Staff

At tonight’s Community Board 12 Transportation Committee meeting, Inwood and Washington Heights Livable Streets will present suggestions for a traffic-calmed Bennett Avenue, and are expected to discuss the proposed Dyckman Greenway Connector with Paimaan Lodhi, urban planner with Manhattan Borough President Scott Stringer’s office. Bennett Avenue, which runs parallel to Broadway for roughly ten blocks […]

Livable Streets Group Makes Pitch to CB12 Tonight

Upper Manhattanites plotted their street improvements on a map for tonight’s meeting with CB12. A few weeks ago my colleague Brad Aaron wrote about the ways Inwood residents are making great use of the groups feature on the Livable Streets Network. Tonight, the group Inwood and Washington Heights Livable Streets is taking its ideas to […]

Caption Contest: Not Commenting About the [Expletive] Bike Lane

This was the scene in Jackson Heights yesterday, where Mayor Bloomberg, Anthony Weiner, and the top dog on Prospect Park West, Senator Chuck Schumer, joined a bevy of other pols to contest the surprisingly low Census counts in Brooklyn and Queens. (That’s Congresswoman Nydia Velazquez between Bloomberg and Schumer.) During the presser, the Senator was […]