Livable Streets Group Makes Pitch to CB12 Tonight

Upper Manhattanites plotted their street improvements on a map for tonight’s meeting with CB12.

A few weeks ago my colleague Brad Aaron wrote about the ways Inwood residents are making great use of the groups feature on the Livable Streets Network. Tonight, the group Inwood and Washington Heights Livable Streets is taking its ideas to the Traffic and Transportation Committee of Community Board 12. High on their agenda: creating protected bike paths along Dyckman Street and Broadway in Upper Manhattan, stepping up enforcement of Select Bus Service lanes, and improving pedestrian amenities (download the full list).

Only a handful of the city’s 59 community boards voice consistent support for livable streets initiatives, and even those few have their lapses. If groups like this one persistently advocate to CBs for pedestrian, bike, and transit improvements, that dynamic is likely to change in time.

Tonight’s meeting starts at 7:00 p.m. at 711 West 168th Street. Streetsbloggers who live in District 12 are encouraged to attend.

Want to tell your community board how neighborhood streets can become better places? Start or join a group on the Livable Streets Network. It has lots of tools to help.